Spring Bird Count at Harrison-Long Point

2024 marked our 5th Annual Spring Bird Count out at Harrison-Long Point in Fort Bend County. Our team of volunteers could not have asked for better weather for birding. The team of 12 kicked off the count exploring the various Bald Cypress pond habitats before wrapping up at the Rookery, where various waterbirds have started nesting including Roseate Spoonbill, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Little Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, and Anhinga.

During the 4.5 hour count our team covered approximately 5.83 miles of ground and documented 62 species of birds, the highest spring count to date. 5 new species were added to the spring bird count list including Blue-headed Vireo, Cooper’s Hawk, Ring-necked Duck, Sora, and White-winged Dove.

Notable observations: The Yellow-crowned Night-herons started nesting early with several juveniles observed out and about in some of our bald cypress pond habitats. After the conclusion of our bird count as we said farewells, our Great Kiskadees came out and we were able to track them to their new nest! It has been 2 seasons since we have known their nesting whereabouts, after their Rookery nest fell from natural causes.

Great Kiskadee nest.

Adult Yellow-crowned Night-heron.
Photo by: Lawrence Jefferson

Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-heron.